Crime Preventions
The Service recognizes that crime prevention is a key component of community mobilization and that strong community partnerships are an essential element of any crime reduction strategy. The Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit educates and assists community members to be more aware of their own safety, and to be proactive in the reduction of crime and eliminating the opportunity for crime.
The Crime Prevention Co-ordinator at the Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit provides resource information on crime prevention and supports the work of Divisional Crime Prevention officers.
Topics that will be discussed
Apartment security
Are You in an Abusive Relationship? (PDF) (Help Link)
Auto theft
Bicycle registration (PDF)
Bicycle safety
Caribbean Carnival - Grand Parade 2014 (PDF)
Elder abuse
Guide to Keeping Our Children Safe (PDF)
Hate motivated crime
Holiday safety
Home security (PDF)
Identity Theft
Internet safety
Personal Safety (PDF)
Protect your teen
Protect yourself
Purse snatching
Robbery prevention and safety
Social Isolation of Seniors (PDF)
Street Robbery (PDF)
Taxi driver safety
Travelling tips
infomation supplied by
Apartment security
We all have the potential to be victims of crime. Each of us can REDUCE THE RISK of our homes/property being victimized by eliminating the opportunity.
click to learn more.
Babysitting is a job that carries a large responsibility. DO NOT treat babysitting as just a way to earn money.
Approach the job with a mature and responsible attitude. Every babysitting assignment should be carefully planned to ensure the safety and well being of both child and babysitter.
click to learn more.
A bully is:
A domineering person or group of persons who abuse others
A person who tries to control others by fear
A person who behaves in an aggressive, thoughtless and unjust manner
click to learn more.
Guide to Keeping Our Children Safe
Safety tips will help keep children safe.
Provide children with clear guidelines to help keep them safe. It is important that children feel safe in their community – educate them on safety without scaring them.
click to learn more.
Home security
Moving into a house can be exciting, but putting safety measures in place to keep it protected and getting started with home security systems or devices can feel a little overwhelming. The good news is, burglary is becoming less common every year.
click to learn more.
Personal Safety
Reduce the Risk, Reduce the Opportunity. How to Protect Yourself from Crime
click to learn more.
Purse snatching
A purse snatch (robbery) can occur anywhere at anytime. In order to reduce your risk, there are many precautions you can take
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Street Robbery
If you know how criminals who commit these crimes operate, it will help you avoid falling victim
to them
click to learn more.
Are You in an Abusive Relationship?
it is against the law for a person to assault or threaten another person in an intimate relationship. Violence in relationships can lead to serious injury, suicide and homicide.
click to learn more.
Bicycle registration
Bicycle theft is a crime that causes financial loss and inconvenience in every community.
Thefts of bicycles can be reduced if owners acknowledge the need for adequate security, and invest in equipment that will be effective.
click to learn more.
Elder abuse
The abuse of elderly persons is a growing concern to the Toronto Police Service due to an increasing seniors population and its reliance on caregivers to maintain levels of independence.
click to learn more.
Hate motivated crime
A hate crime is a criminal offence committed against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by hate, bias or prejudice against an identifiable group.
click to learn more.
Identity Theft
Vehicles are usually stolen for these reasons:
To sell the vehicle or parts
For transportation
To commit other crimes
For vehicle cloning
click to learn more.
Protect your teen
Keeping teens safe is hard enough in the physical world, let alone the cyberworld of social media, texting, online gaming, and online predators. But you don’t have to stand by and hope for the best—you can take action to help keep your teen safe as they navigate the internet
click to learn more.
Robbery prevention and safety
Robbery is a crime that targets both people and businesses. Reduce the risk of personal injury and increase the potential of bringing the culprit(s) to justice.
click to learn more.
Taxi driver safety
No other safety practice is as important in preventing robbery as your own training and good judgement. Experience has shown that well trained taxicab drivers who follow prevention steps can greatly reduce the threat of robbery.
click to learn more.
Auto theft
Vehicles are usually stolen for these reasons:
To sell the vehicle or parts
For transportation
To commit other crimes
For vehicle cloning
click to learn more.
Bicycle safety
A bicycle is a vehicle. The Highway Traffic Act defines a vehicle as "anything drawn, propelled or driven by any type of power including muscular power"
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Graffiti is a problem that if left unchecked can seriously damage the reputation of a community and adversely effect the economy and quality of life enjoyed by the residents.
click to learn more.
Holiday safety
We all have the potential to be victims of crime. Each of us can REDUCE THE RISK of our homes or property being victimized by eliminating the opportunity.
click to learn more.
Internet safety
Vehicles are usually stolen for these reasons:
To sell the vehicle or parts
For transportation
To commit other crimes
For vehicle cloning
click to learn more.
Protect yourself
Remember, many crimes, especially sexual and spousal assaults, as well as the abuse of the elderly, disabled and children, are committed by people the victim knows. If this happens to you, tell someone you know and call the police
click to learn more.
Social Isolation of Seniors
Humans are social beings - designed to thrive in collaborative networks and communities. When we feel connected to others in meaningful ways we experience significant benefits to both our physical and emotional well being
click to learn more.
Travelling tips
Although travelling can be a safe and enjoyable activity, it can also provide an opportunity for crime. Protect yourself while travelling, it is important to remember that you are vulnerable and you must take extra precautions.
click to learn more.